electro-mobility for aircraft taxiing and towing on the apron – an area in which the Group is active in numerous ways. All initia- tives support the goals of the International Environmentally compatible air transport starts on the ground. Therefore, an effective lever for more energy and resource effi- ciency is researching and implementing Energy and resource management Numerous initiatives for greater efficiency Sustainable business practices and the sparing use of natural resources are not contradictions for the Lufthansa Group. Over the past years, the Group has steadily delivered impulses for innovations which benefit not only the environment, but also the entire aviation industry. In 2014, the Lufthansa Group again advanced numerous initiatives to further increase its energy and resource efficiency on the ground and in the air, as the following examples from everyday practice show. The TaxiBot hybrid aircraft tug allows pilots to tow the aircraft to the runway under their own command by using the Pilot Control Mode. Air Transport Association (IATA) to reduce CO2 emissions on the basis of the estab- lished four pillar strategy (see page 43). 50 // Climate and Environmental Responsibility