Sustainability Report Balance // Issue 2016 // Lufthansa Group // 97 Taking its cue from the expanding need, the Lufthansa Group has continuously increased its humanitarian commitment over the past years. Since February 2013, Lufthansa Cargo has strongly assisted the emergency aid alliance “Aktion Deutsch- land Hilft” and its strategic partner “World Vision Deutschland”. The stated goal of this partnership is to provide the 24 renowned German aid organizations joined together by this emergency alliance with direct access to Lufthansa Cargo’s logistical infrastructure. #CSRhumanitär In the frame of its cooperation with “Aktion Deutschland Hilft” the Lufthansa Group is also committed to supporting #CSRhumani- t r. Launched by Germany’s Federal For- eign Of ce, this initiative sees itself as part of the global dialogue related to the UN’s World Humanitarian Summit. #CSRhumanitär is set up as a forum to allow regular, profes- sional exchanges between companies and aid organizations. A key focus is on the questions regarding the potentials and boundaries of cooperative partnership. A further concern is to jointly develop inno- vative concepts for need-oriented and principled humanitarian action. For many years, the Lufthansa Group has placed its logistical resources in the service of emergency humanitarian aid. The goal is to transport relief supplies in an uncomplicated and ef cient manner whenever they are needed to pro- vide emergency assistance to people in disaster areas – be it in the wake of earthquakes, ooding, typhoons, droughts or epidemics. Humanitarian emergency aid Swift aid from the air for refugees: In 2015, the German Red Cross and Lufthansa Cargo ew more than 15,000 camp beds from North America to Germany.