Fathers discuss their role with other fathers To support men in their newly-de ned father role, the Lufthansa Group cooperates with V ter gGmbH (“Fathers Inc.”) at its loca- tions in Frankfurt and Hamburg. At the initiative of the Group’s Manager for Equal Opportunity, interested fathers met in Frankfurt for the rst time on June 15, 2015 to exchange ideas with the focus on part- time work and exibility in everyday management and working situations. Awaken girls’ passion for technology Dissolving the notion that certain profes- sions are gender-speci c: That is the goal of Girls’ Day and Boys’ Day, in which numerous Lufthansa Group companies again participated in 2015. In October 2015, Lufthansa Technik and Lufthansa Technical Training also offered a group of 10th-grade girls at a Hamburg school the opportunity to build their own glider under professional supervision as part of the “mint:pink” project. During the reporting year, the Lufthansa Group opened two further parent-child of ces at its Frankfurt location, which employees may use when they face childcare bottlenecks. Lufthansa Technik would like to inspire even more women to choose a technical career. Sustainability Report Balance // Issue 2016 // Lufthansa Group // 87