Fuel consumption and emissions The Lufthansa Group again flew exceedingly fuel-efficiently: In 2015, the air- craft of the passenger fleets consumed 3.84 liters of kerosene on average to carry one passenger over a distance of 100 kilometers. Thus, the Group confirmed the efficiency record it had set the year before. CO2 emissions according to the GHG Protocol The Lufthansa Group determines its CO2 emissions on the basis of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol), which di- vides emissions in three main categories or scopes (see pie chart). All direct emissions from flight operations, shown in the pie chart “Direct and indirect CO2 emissions of the Lufthansa Group” , were recorded and verified on behalf of the Lufthansa Group in accordance with the requirements of the European Emissions Trading System. Additionally, the Lufthansa Group has recorded the indirect emissions caused by its business activities for a num- ber of years. For the reporting year 2015, all recorded and calculated direct and indirect CO2 emissions of the Lufthansa Group were verified externally for the first time (see page 117, Verification statement). The CO2 footprint helps the Group to iden- tify its significant environmental effects more exactly and to develop subsequently more focused options for their reduction. Evaluating the CO2 footprint shows that more than three-quarters of it result from direct Scope 1 CO2 emissions (recorded are all emissions from the Lufthansa Group’s flight operations and ground traffic of own vehicles) while about one-quarter results from indirect Scope 3 emissions. The latter include essentially the emissions of the kerosene supply chain and those related to the manufacturing processes of The Lufthansa Group’s absolute fuel con- sumption in 2015 increased by 1.4 percent to about 9 million tonnes of kerosene. With a current share of more than 17 percent of operating expenses, fuel is a substantial cost item for the Group. Therefore, pro- nounced changes in fuel prices can have a significant influence on the operating result. This illustrates once again the degree to which economical and ecological factors are interlinked in the area of fuel efficiency. The less kerosene the aviation group con- sumes, the greater the positive effects are on both costs and climate. This is due to the fact that each tonne of kerosene conserved in flight operations means 3.15 tonnes less of CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere. The evolution of the specific consumption depends on many variables, including the payload factor. The latter was 1.1 percent- age points lower in 2015 than in the preced- ing year. The continuing fleet moderni- zation (see page 29, Fleet development), the numerous fuel-efficiency programs and the related efficiency increases helped to sta-bilize the specific consumption of the reporting year at the previous year’s record level. The Lufthansa Group con- sistently strives to attain the industry goal for annual efficiency increases of 1.5 percent. Since 2008, the Group has achieved an 11.5 percent-improvement in fuel efficiency. Scope 1: Direct CO2 emissions from the Lufthansa Group’s flight operations and ground traffic of own vehicles as well as own energy-generating facilities. Scope 2: Indirect CO2 emissions of electricity and energy purchases for ground operations, including catering and maintenance. Scope 3: Further indirect CO2 emissions along the supply chain and from purchased services, here essentially the emissions from the kerosene supply chain and those related to the manufacturing of aircraft and engines. Scope 1 (77.4 %) 28,601,347 Scope 2 1 (0.9 %) 343,438 Scope 3 (21.7 %) 8,005,651 Direct and indirect CO2 emissions of the Lufthansa Group 2015, in tonnes 1 The values for Scope 2 emissions are based on energy consumption values in 2014. Sustainability Report Balance // Issue 2016 // Lufthansa Group // 41