2015 The US trade publication Air Transport World named the Lufthansa Group as Eco Airline of the Year 2015 – already the second time in three years. At the travel fair ITB in Berlin the Swiss climate protection organization my- climate honored the AirPlus Green Com- pany Account of Lufthansa subsidiary AirPlus with the myclimate Award 2015 for being a pioneer for sustainable nan- cial products in the travel industry. The project Free Route Airspace Maast- richt and Karlsruhe (FRAMaK), supported by Lufthansa, Deutsche Flugsicherung and Eurocontrol won the IHS Jane’s ATC Award 2015 in the category “Environment”. The initiative Ludwig Erhard Prize hono- red LZ-Catering with the Recognized for Excellence 4 Stars rating. The sub- sidiary of the European Foundation for Quality Management acknowledged the high level of entrepreneurial performance of the Lufthansa Group’s experts for company restaurants with the four-star certi cate. The Lufthansa career portal www.Be-Lufthansa.com was recognized by the research institute Trendence as best career website in Germany. The jury praised among other criteria the convincing design with high recognition value, clear presentation of contents, lively animation and clear navigation. The internal healthcare management of Swiss was honored with the Friendly Work Space® Label by Stiftung Gesund- heitsförderung Schweiz (Foundation for Health Promotion Switzerland). The label is awarded according to practice-oriented quality criteria. Friendly Work Space® companies systematically support favorable working conditions for their employees. Lufthansa Social Counseling has recei- ved the Soul@Work Award for the health-oriented accompaniment of cor- porate restructuring processes. Lufthansa Technical Training (LTT) was awarded the Partner in Education Award by Temasek Polytechnic in Singa- pore. Temasek Polytechnic is a leading teaching institution that trains mechanics for the aviation industry, among others. Austrian Airlines has participated in the environmental initiative “ÖkoBusiness- Plan” of the City of Vienna since 2005. The city supports companies in imple- menting ecologically and economically relevant measures. As in the preceding years, the airline received the Award for numerous projects in 2015 as well. The Air Transport Action Group (ATAG), a global association of partners across the aviation industry, accepted two outstanding ef ciency projects of the Lufthansa Group for publication in ATAG Aviation Climate Solutions. The latter highlights 100 groundbreaking projects in the aviation industry related to the established four-pillar strategy for climate protection. The Lufthansa Group airlines Lufthansa, Swiss and Austrian Airlines were awarded a gold rating in the study “With a good conscience” for responsible corporate management. The business magazine Focus Money conducted the represent- ative survey together with Deutschland Test and the analytical company ServiceValue. 2016 The US trade publication Air Transport World honored the partners of the E-PORT AN initiative, which also includes the Lufthansa Group, as Eco-company Partnership of the year. It thus acknowl- edges the initiative’s pioneering role and its commitment for more electromobility on the apron. Lufthansa was honored for being the Quietest Overall Airline by San Francisco Airport with the award that is given in the context of the “Fly Quiet Program”. The airport’s Round Table Initiative praised above all the airline’s efforts in the areas of eet modernization and noise reduction. For its analysis software OMEGA, which it jointly developed with IT company Avi- aso, Lufthansa received the Innovation Award of German Aviation in the cate- gory emissions reduction. The Lufthansa Group is currently listed in the following sustainability indices and received the following ratings: FTSE4Good Ethibel Excellence Investment Register and Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI) Excellence Europe ECPI MSCI Global Sustainability Index Series oekom Prime Rating Corporate Responsibility: Prizes, awards and indices Every year, the Lufthansa Group and the Group companies receive numerous prizes and awards. Here is a selection of those related to the topic of Corporate Responsibility: