changed as well. The Group therefore gave notice in September 2013 that it was terminat- ing the collective agreements governing Lufthansa’s company pension scheme so that it could work with the unions to convert its retirement benefits to a more sustainable model. Existing entitlements to retirement benefits are guaranteed and remain unaf- fected. Ú Managing change in a socially responsible way The Lufthansa Group takes responsibility for its employees even in times when major changes are afoot. The COMPASS program launched by the Group in January 2013 is an expression of this long-term personnel policy. It helps employees and managers successfully reposi- tion themselves professionally. For this pur- pose, Deutsche Lufthansa AG works closely with prominent, internationally active personnel consulting firms. COMPASS is designed not only for employees and managers whose jobs are at risk, but also for those looking for a new career challenge. This may be a desire either for a change within the Group or for employ- ment outside the company. The COMPASS program comprises mainly the following package of services: a confidential initial interview, comprehensive career change advice, and a company-related job market based on current contacts in the Lufthansa Group and available exclusively to program participants. To date, more than 7,000 employees have consulted the job listings. Two out of three applications submitted through the job listings have led to invitations to a job interview from a partner company. Contact with the COMPASS office is voluntary and is treated confidentially. Employees and managers wishing to avail themselves of the program incur no costs. The placement ser- vice is offered for up to six months and com- prises, in addition to the personal and profes- sional location-matching assessment, an analysis of the applicant’s strengths and opportunities. Furthermore, the experts iden- tify the available options and assist COMPASS participants through all phases of the applica- tion process. The COMPASS program is making an impor- tant contribution to our efforts to make the adjustments necessary under our current program for the future compatible with social policy. Ú Employee satisfaction With its Employee Feedback Management (EFM) program, the Lufthansa Group has created an efficient process designed to maintain a continual dialogue between man- agers and employees company-wide. In 2013, under the mottos Your voice counts and Take part, the Group conducted its ninth worldwide EFM employee survey at Lufthansa German Airlines and in the Group functions. More than 36,000 employees were called upon to take part in the survey, which con- tained questions concerning employee com- mitment, their identification with the company, and aspects of employee satisfaction. While the total participation rate of 51% was nine percentage points lower than in 2012 (60%), it did reflect a relatively high level of participa- tion, especially for a survey conducted in economically difficult times. The decline may be attributable also to the fact that, for the first time, the only way to submit responses was online. Paper questionnaires were no longer available, which made participation more difficult for certain categories of employees lacking a fixed workplace with a network connection. Vorstand schlecht Kommunikationgut Wirgefühl Unternehmen Motivation Cockpit Tarifverhandlungen Businessclass Stimmung Verbundenheit Passage Marke Germanwings Firstclass Umgang sorgen Wertschätzung Kollegen Team Lufthansa stark Kunden negativ Sicherheit Konzern Problem Airline FeedbackKritik Markt PersonalVertrauen Menschlichkeit Konkurrenz Passagemagazin Weiterentwicklung positiv Qualität Crew ID ManagementGehalt EFMMitarbeiterWarum Führung Einsparung Information Kosten Bord Medien Ziele Maßnahmen Angst Zukunft Altersvorsorge Kündigung Bodenmitarbeiter Arbeitsklima zufrieden verschlechtern Verbesserung teuer Entscheidung Geld Dialog Unternehmensklutur Engagement Kapitän Verantwortung Verhalten Veränderung Führungskräfte Programm Unzufriedenheit 07 Tag cloud showing 3,790 open comments. The font sizes repre- sent the frequency with which the words were used. (Example of employee feedback in Germany.) [Ú 07] Sustainability Report Balance // Issue 2014 // Lufthansa Group // 93