grew by 5.2%. This is in line with the average rate of increase over the last 30 years. For this reason, airlines are also faced with the challenge of further increasing the environ- mental compatibility of flying despite steady growth in transport performance. Despite significant growth rates, aviation’s share of worldwide CO2 emissions from the combus- tion of fossil fuels has been declining for years. In 2010 this share was just under 2.45%, according to the last publication of the International Energy Agency (IEA) in 2012. Ú Organization of climate and environmental management The climate- and environment-related goals, strategies, and measures across the Group are coordinated by the Group Environmental Issues department, which is part of the Cor- porate International and Government Affairs staff department. There is regular exchange with Corporate Strategy. In addition, all of the larger companies of relevance to environmen- tal matters have their own environmental departments, an environmental commissioner, or a coordinator. The Lufthansa Group’s Environmental Forum meets twice a year to give the company’s experts in this area the opportunity to discuss current issues and take advantage of syner- gistic effects. In February 2014 the Lufthansa Group initiated an internal energy forum in addition. Experts from all divisions of the company take part in the knowledge transfer and best practice exchange so that we can achieve further increases in efficiency on the ground in addition to our environmental goals in the airspace. We have teams of experts working on fuel efficiency and alternative fuels. In recognition of the importance of the issue of fuel efficiency and CO2 emissions, the Lufthansa Group has had its own Fuel Efficiency department since 2013. Experts from various Group companies are working continuously to develop and implement measures to reduce fuel consump- tion. Closely associated with the subject of fuel efficiency is the testing and use of alterna- tive fuels in flight operations. The Lufthansa Group is currently involved in various projects for the future in this area. Group-wide standards and guidelines The Executive Board approved as early as 1996 guidelines for environmental protection that applied all across the Group. This made the Lufthansa Group a trailblazer in the avia- tion industry. The guidelines, which are bind- ing on all employees and at all locations, ensure that all companies rigorously pursue the common goal of environmental protection and continually improve environmental care. Environmental management systems in the Group companies The Lufthansa Group has set itself the goal of continually improving environmental management in the companies and at the Group level. Below is an overview of the status quo of the environmental management sys- tems in the Group companies: Lufthansa Technik has had its locations in Germany certified to the international envi- ronmental standard ISO 14001 since 1999. Since then it has also had an occupational safety management system that has been validated according to the OHSAS 18001 occupation safety specifications. At the end of 2013 the audit for recertification in the quality, environment, and occupational safety categories was completed success- fully. All Lufthansa Technik locations will be certified by the end of 2015 under a world- wide program. The ISO 14001 international environmental management standard sets globally accepted standards and require- ments for an environmental management system. The emphasis is on a process of continual improvement with the aim of achieving an organization’s defined envi- ronmental goals. At the local level Lufthansa Technik is work- ing in the field of environmental manage- ment with various organizations. Since the initiative began in 2003, Lufthansa Technik has been active in the Environmental Part- nership in Hamburg. The coalition of indus- try, politics, and administration is working to encourage companies to take responsibility for environmental protection. Lufthansa Technik is a member of corresponding associations in Hesse and Brandenburg as well. Lufthansa Cargo was certified at its Frankfurt location to the ISO 14001 environ- mental standard for the first time in 2008. The Lufthansa Group’s logistics specialist was certified at all German locations in 2010. The certification of the environmental management system was reconfirmed by external auditors in 2013 in the course of a supervisory audit. Strategic environmental program for 2020 Ú The Lufthansa Group has set itself ambitious goals for climate and environmental responsibility. In 2008 we launched a strategic environmental program with which we hope to achieve further progress in climate and environmental responsibility by 2020. The Lufthansa Group has successful outcomes to show for its work in every field of the environmental program. These include, apart from billions invested in modern and quieter aircraft, our pioneering accomplishment in the world’s first long-term testing of alternative fuels (biokerosene) in 2011. In addition, we are investing in optimized flight procedures and ground processes, ecological building, and expansion of the environ- mental management systems in the Group companies. Since the strategic environmen- tal program was implemented in 2008, we have been able to increase fuel efficiency in our flight operations by more than 7%, and by as much as 36.2% as compared to when measurements began in 1991. If the Lufthansa Group were still flying today with the aircraft it had in its fleet in 1991, it would have consumed roughly five million more tonnes of kerosene in 2013, thereby emitting roughly 16 million more tonnes of CO2. This would be 60% more than today. Sustainability Report Balance // Issue 2014 // Lufthansa Group // 47