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Lufthansa Group Balance 2014 EN - Environmental sponsorship

A stylized flying crane—a bird that traditionally symbolizes luck—is the trademark of the ­Lufthansa Group. The Group has made a commitment to protecting the crane. At least 10 of the 15 species of crane found in the world today are threatened with extinction as their brooding, roosting, and wintering habitats continue to be destroyed. Environmental sponsorship 70,000Up to 70,000 grey cranes migrate annu- ally to the Rügen-Bock region of Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania. In 1991, to ensure the survival of these majes- tic birds, ­Lufthansa established the Kranich- schutz Deutschland (“Crane Protection ­Germany”) working group in collaboration with the Nature Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) and WWF Germany. A central element in this project is the Crane Informa- tion Center in Gross Mohrdorf, located in the Rügen-Bock region of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. With its various exhibitions, events, and guided tours, it serves as an information center, research facility, and meet- ing place for scientists, conservationists, and bird lovers. In 2013 more than 15,000 visitors to the Crane Information Center were able to learn about the activities of those who are working to protect the birds. The center is part of a pan-European crane protection network. Up to 70,000 gray cranes migrate annually to the area, which counts as one of the most important roosting areas for cranes in Europe. In the information center itself, ­Lufthansa employees work for several weeks at a time as voluntary crane rangers, investing of themselves in a very practical way in the preservation of the airline’s heraldic bird. In 2014 the Crane Information Center continues to offer positions for voluntary crane rangers in collaboration with ­Lufthansa. The Group is also helping the information center with the development of modern information channels. The new Facebook page Kranichschutz Deutschland is attracting more and more visitors, and the cranes are also acquiring an enthusiastic following on Twitter. ß Further information can be found at Ú The ­Lufthansa Group protects the bird of luck  110 // Corporate Citizenship

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