Openness, clarity, and continuity are essential for preserving and further developing trust in our company among our stakeholders. Understanding the expectations, interests, and information needs of our stakeholders is important for us in many respects. Apart from the continual exchange of knowledge, it helps us promote mutual trust and understanding for both sides. An all-embracing dialogue with our stakehold- ers, moreover, clears the way for new forms of cooperation and collaboration with them. We are constantly getting our stakeholders involved in processes of development and innovation. This includes, for example, the development of new seats, or other innova- tions associated with flight as a product, along with regular customer surveys. We look con- structively for joint solutions to social problems and seek to improve social conditions. An example of this is our involvement in the Airport and Region forum and in the Environ- ment and Community House at Frankfurt Airport. A fundamental challenge in this dialogue with stakeholders in different regions of the world is their variety as reflected in differences in their expectations. The various subsidiaries and our worldwide business operations are other factors. All this calls for great skill in steering the dialogue towards reconciliation of varying interests. Ú Our sustainability report, Balance, also contributes towards transparency The sustainability report Balance keeps our stakeholders informed of various points of emphasis and the progress being made in our sustainability strategy. We began in 1994 initially with an environmental report but now cover all relevant aspects of corporate responsibility. The sustainability report is the comprehensive basis for our dialogue with our stakeholders. In addition, we use various media to communicate sustainability-related informational content intended for specific target groups, content that we are continually developing. Since January 2013, for example, the Lufthansa Group’s corporate communications service has been offering, with its information service Corporate Responsibility – Stichwort der Woche (“Key phrase of the week”), a weekly source of information, through social media and other channels, relating to the topic of corporate responsibility. Balance, as the title of our sustainability report, illustrates our sense of responsibility for a strategy of balance between the multifarious interests of the Group and its stakeholders. We regard the inclusion of our stakeholders in our corporate decision-making processes as an ongoing process. Ú Recognizing what the key sustainability issues are In February 2014 we made adjustments, based on a survey conducted among our stakeholders, to the key areas of action in our sustainability strategy and to the focus of our communication on sustainability issues. Among the participants in the survey were representatives of nongovernmental organiza- tions, system partners, politicians, investors, customers, employees, suppliers, and sus- tainability experts. Stakeholder dialogue The Lufthansa Group actively seeks constructive and critical exchange with all of its stakeholders. We maintain this dialogue at the various levels and work what we learn from it into what we do so that together we can shape a sustainable future. 30 // Sustainable Business Practice