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Lufthansa Group Balance 2014 EN

10 Participants in the Sochi Olympics arrive in Munich, where they are welcomed by Germany’s President Gauck. 11 Fanhansa: Lufthansa is the airline of sports and that of sports fans as well. Our planes make this clear during the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. [Ú 11] Outlook Ú As good corporate citizens, the ­Lufthansa Group and its individual companies are involved in numerous and diverse projects dealing with a broad range of issues. In recent years there has been a marked change in the expectations of our stakehold- ers where social commitment is concerned. This change reflects the rapid transfor- mations taking place in our globalized world and the associated issues and problems encountered across broad segments of our own business environment. How to approach social commitment with a compelling, intelligible, and goal-oriented plan of action is one that arises with ever greater prominence and urgency. For this reason we are working towards a reorientation and consolidation of our commitments. One point of emphasis in this reorientation, apart from more active involvement of both executives and employees, will be a thematic focus on social and humanitarian projects. Our paramount goal has been and continues to be to ensure that our efforts have an enduring impact. With the employee initiatives help alliance, Cargo Human Care, and Swiss Children’s Foundation, we already have in our posses- sion within the Group established and recognized aid organizations. They constitute a valuable foundation for further development of the ­Lufthansa Group’s corporate ­citizenship commitments. and with minimal stress. This left them free to devote their energy to preparing for the com- petitions. But many other nations and fans also availed themselves of this service, so that activity at the specially-marked Sochi gate at the Frankfurt airport and aboard the Airbus A321 used on this route had an atmosphere every bit as international as in the Olympic and Paralympic villages. A special highlight was the Olympic team’s arrival in Munich aboard the special ­Lufthansa flight. German President Joachim Gauck received the ath- letes right on the ramp and congratulated them on their performance. Ú European Wheelchair Basketball Champion- ships in Frankfurt Frankfurt is ­Lufthansa’s main hub. As a part- ner of the National Paralympic Committee Germany, it was only natural that ­Lufthansa would also support the European Wheelchair Basketball Championships in Frankfurt. Our service professionals took charge of assisting the teams arriving at the airport en route to Frankfurt. We also beat the drum for the European Championships, because the athletes with disabilities accomplish extraordi- nary things and serve as models for all seg- ments of society. In the final, the German women’s team, who were Olympic champions in London, were ultimately forced by the Dutch team to admit defeat before more than 3,000 enthusiastic spectators. ß Sustainability Report Balance // Issue 2014 // Lufthansa Group // 115

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