ducing new flight procedures, optimizing engine performance and aircraft aerodynam- ics, and developing intelligent software tools. Potential savings through systematic weighing In a weighing initiative carried out on an A340- 300 wide-body aircraft last year, we identified potential weight savings of about 100 kilo- grams per long-haul aircraft. Items weighing a total of 70 kilograms have already been per- manently removed from the aircraft. This will allow the Lufthansa Group to save more than 1,000 tonnes of kerosene annually on its intercontinental passenger flights. That equates to the fuel consumption of 14 A340- 300 flights from Frankfurt to Rio de Janeiro. We will thereby reduce our annual fuel costs in future by more than EUR 900,000 and reduce CO2 emissions by 3,606 tonnes per year. Lufthansa Cargo’s freighter fleet also will be operating more efficiently in the future. Every single one of the MD11-F aircraft was able to shed 35 kilograms. Experts have already identified potential weight savings of about 70 kilograms per aircraft. The measures are due to be implemented in 2014. Austrian Airlines also has weighed and documented all of the loose parts in an Airbus A320 as direct routes have been available, which are used by an average of 229 Lufthansa flights per day. Nevertheless, the Single European Sky (SES) is making only slow progress. All the neces- sary tools, technologies, and procedures have long since been in place, yet the EU member states remain insistent on protecting their own national interests, including their national air traffic control systems and the revenue they generate from fees. The Lufthansa Group and other airlines have repeatedly pointed out such hurdles in the SES legal framework, and they continue to offer their services as con- structive partners in the quest for an expedi- tious solution. Ú Operational measures The Fuel Efficiency department has developed numerous projects with great potential for savings, projects the airlines in the Lufthansa Group will be implementing in the future. They include programs to achieve permanent weight reductions on board, testing and intro- part of its Clear Out project. The results of the project are being applied to the entire fleet of Austrian Airlines and the Lufthansa Group. This, too, will result in savings in kero- sene. The mentioned weighing initiatives make us more acutely aware of the impact of weight on fuel consumption. That has a posi- tive impact on our profitability while also making an important contribution to our efforts to steadily improve our ecological balance. Other weight-reducing measures are also being put in place. They include equipping the entire long-haul fleet with lighter catering trolleys and Lufthansa Cargo’s replacement of its freight containers with lighter models. In the middle of May 2014 Lufthansa Cargo successfully completed the replacement of all of its more than 5,500 standard aluminum freight containers with the nearly 14-kilogram lighter versions made from composite materials. Optimum flight routes and speeds The Lufthansa Group plans to use a new software application that will save fuel by optimizing the flight profile and speed of aircraft during flight operations. During a flight, the program processes the latest aircraft and weather data to calculate in real time the most economical flight curve for the remainder of the flight. A first prototype went into trial 07 Fuel savings through weight reduction: Successful campaign to weigh all loose objects in a Lufthansa Cargo MD-11F. [Ú 07] Sustainability Report Balance // Issue 2014 // Lufthansa Group // 57