standards. In addition to reducing greenhouse gases, the projects have been shown to con- tribute to sustainable development. The cli- mate protection projects offered are registered with the Gold Standard. This independently maintained label is a mark of distinction for qualitatively superior climate protection proj- ects and the emissions reduction certificates resulting from them. The emphasis is on the integrity of these projects in terms of their environmental balance and social compat- ibility. Our cooperating partner myclimate issues to private persons from Germany and Switzerland tax-approved receipts for their donations to offset CO2 emissions. Passengers are therefore able to deduct their CO2 com- pensation donations from their taxable income. Austrian Airlines is cooperating with Climate Austria on CO2 compensation ( When a customer books a flight online, a CO2 calculator calcu- lates the flight’s CO2 emissions. Climate Aus- tria collects the donations and uses them to support high-quality Austrian and international climate protection projects. Climate Austria always selects projects according to rigorous standards. These projects promote energy efficiency and renewable energies such as hydro-, biomass, wind, or solar energy. Climate-neutral business travel with AirPlus AirPlus is a company of the Lufthansa Group and an international provider of payment and billing solutions for business travel. AirPlus now offers three green product solutions: Carbon Offset (since 2009) Green Reports (since 2011) AirPlus Green Company Account (since 2014 also in Germany) AirPlus Carbon Offset enables companies to automatically settle and offset the emissions generated by business travel through their AirPlus customer accounts. AirPlus Green Reports gives customers clearly structured and detailed analyses of the CO2 emissions generated by their business travel. These analyses are based on four internationally accepted methods of calculat- ing CO2 emissions, among them the reporting standard established by the German Associa- tion of Travel Management for business travel. They can be imported into the customer’s own emissions accounts. The AirPlus Green Company Account devel- oped by AirPlus in 2012 is the world’s first completely CO2-neutral central bill account. Available on the German market since early 2014, this product enables companies to organize their business travel even more sustainably. In addition, the AirPlus Green Company Account dispenses with cumber- some paper-based processes involving extensive forms or invoices. Customers are therefore able to save CO2 emissions even while making travel arrangements. AirPlus compensates for any unavoidable CO2 emis- sions resulting from its internal processes and the use of the Green Company Account by supporting a reforestation project in Nicara- gua managed by myclimate. This project is improving the basic living conditions of the local population, protecting the local flora and fauna, and helping to counteract the effects of climate change over the long term. By using the AirPlus Green Company Account, our business customers take responsibility for the climate and contribute directly to its protection. CO2 compensation for private and business customers Climate Austria Climate protection AirPlusmyclimate CO2 compensation Emissions report CO2 compensation projects Company CO2 Customer CO2 AirPlus also sets great store by its collabora- tion with the prestigious climate protection foundation myclimate. Lufthansa, Swiss, and Austrian Airlines calcu- late CO2 emissions for individual accounts on the basis of real flight events. Kerosene con- sumption is calculated per flight passenger from gate to gate, taking into account meteo- rological conditions (such as winds), taxiing procedures on the ground, and holding pat- terns and detours in the air. An emissions calculator operated by myclimate or Climate Austria can allocate accordingly the CO2 emissions resulting on average from the flight in question. Since the seating class (Economy, Business, First) can be selected in advance, the emissions can be weighted according to the amount of space required for a seat. ß Sustainability Report Balance // Issue 2014 // Lufthansa Group // 79