For the Lufthansa Group as an employer and service provider, diversity and equal opportunities are important and necessary. It makes the company more open-minded and creative - essential qualities for remaining innovative and flexible. This also leads to a more varied understanding of customer needs and contributes to the customer-oriented development of products and services. At the same time, the Lufthansa Group's diversity approach underscores the appreciation of, and equal opportunities for, all employees.
Promoting diversity is a main goal of the Lufthansa Group's personnel strategy. All employees should be able to contribute their own talent in a working environment free of prejudice. The Lufthansa Group attaches great importance to an environment that is free of discrimination and in which personal boundaries are respected.

Proportion of women in management positions to be increased
A special focus is on increasing the proportion of women in management positions. Women in the Lufthansa Group represent 45 percent, while at the end of 2023 the share of female managers across the Group stood at 22.3 percent (2022; 20.4 percent). The Lufthansa Group is aiming for a result of 25 percent of women in management positions by 2025.
In order to achieve its goals, the Lufthansa Group has implemented further supportive measures in staffing processes. For example, every shortlist for management positions must include a fixed proportion of women. Final appointments, of course, still follow a clear selection of the best candidates. There is also a broad portfolio of individual development measures for female talent: For example, special programs for junior managers and networks for the mutual exchange of experience, and various training courses for all managers in the Lufthansa Group that sensitize them to mixed teams or point out unconscious thought patterns.
Employment and integration of people with disabilities
For the Lufthansa Group, the employment and integration of people with disabilities is not only a legal obligation, but also a fulfillment of social responsibility. Providing targeted support for their professional development is a matter of course for the management boards, human resources management and representatives of employees with disabilities, who meet regularly to discuss further steps to include people with disabilities. At year-end 2022, the employment rate of people with disabilities in the Lufthansa Group in Germany was 4.3 percent. While some companies exceed the legally stipulated minimum quota of five percent, the disability employment rate in many other companies is lower - in part also due to legal regulations. Other forms of assistance are also supported, such as placing orders with workshops for people with disabilities or cooperating with the National Paralympic Committee Germany.
The Lufthansa Group supports a balance between work and personal life
The Lufthansa Group also makes use of a broad portfolio of measures and activities that make it easier for employees to combine work and aspects relating to their particular stage in their personal life. This ranges from shared leadership, i.e., the sharing of a management position, to flexible working time models, such as different part-time arrangements, opportunities for remote work, and various offers, such as in the areas of ad hoc childcare, parent-child offices, regular childcare, and care for relatives in Germany.
LGBTIQ* concerns are supported within the company
The Lufthansa Group is committed to promoting a working environment free of discrimination in which all employees can develop their talents - regardless of their sexual orientation or identity.
In 2018, the LGBTIQ* employee network, "Diversifly", was created. The network acts as a point of contact, actively advocates for the interests of the community, and provides advice and support within the Group on the development and implementation of measures and policies to prevent discrimination.
In addition to supporting the Diversifly network, the Lufthansa Group also visibly demonstrates its position on openness and diversity to the outside world: From "Lovehansa," a special banner for a Lufthansa A320neo, to the rainbow flag that is hoisted in front of the headquarters on various occasions, to support at Christopher Street Day parades, including Lufthansa's sponsorship of the parade in Frankfurt 2023 and the Lufthansa Pride marketing campaign "The World Says Yes to You". With this campaign, Lufthansa positions itself as a reliable partner for the queer community and presents people and places that welcome queer life - everywhere in the world.

Diversifly Logo
Giving diversity a face
Other employee and executive networks and initiatives support the company's diversity and equal opportunity goals. The #CourageUp network campaigns against racism and discrimination. Other examples include the Lufthansa Group's Female Leadership network, Lufthansa Technik's Female Network and the Fathers' Network. In order to make the offerings known beyond the boundaries of the respective divisions and Group companies, the overarching "Power Up" network acts as a multiplier, providing a common technical platform for the mutual exchange of know-how and support.
Many executives are also promoting diversity, for example by supporting the networks, showing a visible attitude or promoting more diversity in their teams.
Taking a visible stance
The Lufthansa Group also stands up for this attitude in public. The company reinforces its commitment to diversity and a prejudice-free environment with numerous measures. Some examples:
Around the Men's World Cup 2022 in Qatar, a Lufthansa aircraft carried its stance for diversity and tolerance visibly around the world - with the lettering "Diversity Wins" and an illustration showing the men's national soccer team with fans in all its diversity. After the first flight to Muscat with the German national soccer team on board, the aircraft was on its way to many destinations for months with this livery as an ambassador.
In fall 2023, the Lufthansa Group and 100 companies in Germany spoke out against antisemitism in a joint advertising campaign entitled „Nie wieder ist jetzt“ (“Never again is now").
Together with more than 500 German associations and companies, the Lufthansa Group is setting an example for diversity and freedom and against extremism with the campaign "#Zusammenland - Vielfalt macht uns stark" in spring 2024.