The Lufthansa Group documents its striving for responsible business practices with numerous memberships in environmental and sustainability-related organizations. The goal is to participate in shaping the future of sustainable business practices and social responsibility, and to further develop the company’s own activities.

Member since 2024
The Lufthansa Group is a member of aireg (Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany). As a charitable initiative, aireg is dedicated to promoting the availability and use of renewable energies in aviation to achieve the aviation industry’s ambitious CO₂ reduction targets.
aireg – Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V.
Airlines for Europe (A4E)
![Airlines for Europe Logo [übersetzen] Logo von Airlines for Europe](/media/images/verantwortung/logos/20200414_A4E_Logo.jpg)
The Lufthansa Group is among the founding members of Airlines for Europe (A4E). This association was founded at the beginning of 2016 and represents the concerns of European airlines and their passengers.
BDL – Bundesverband der Deutschen Luftverkehrswirtschaft
![Bundesverband der Deutschen Luftverkehrswirtschaft Logo [übersetzen] Logo des Bundesverbandes der Deutschen Luftverkehrswirtschaft](/media/images/verantwortung/logos/BDL.png)
Federal Association of German Aviation and Space Industry
Lufthansa is a founding member of the new Federal Association of the German Air Transport Industry (Bundesverband der Deutschen Luftverkehrswirtschaft – BDL), which has represented industry interests with a single voice since December 2010. Its goal is to increase the awareness of the importance of air transport in economic and employment policy among politicians and journalists, and to strengthen Germany overall as a location for the air transport industry.
Alliance “Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus”

In 2024, Deutsche Lufthansa AG signed the declaration “Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus und sexuelle Belästigung” (Together Against Sexism and Sexual Harassment) of the alliance “Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus” (Together Against Sexism). The alliance's goal is to recognize structural and individual sexism in the workplace and to implement effective countermeasures. By signing the joint declaration, the member companies commit to ensuring the safety and equal opportunities of all genders.
Charta der Vielfalt (diversity charter)
![[übersetzen] Logo der Initiative Charta der Vielfalt](/media/themen/verantwortung-timeline/images/charta_der_vielfalt.png)
In 2014 Deutsche Lufthansa AG signed the “Diversity Charter”, a corporate initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions. Under the patronage of Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel, the charter aims to further acceptance, appreciation and inclusion of diversity in Germany’s business culture. Organizations are to create a work environment that is free of prejudices. All employees are to be valued – independent of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or ideology, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity.
Deutsches Verkehrsforum (DVF, German Transport Forum)
![Deutsches Verkehrsforum Logo [übersetzen] Logo der Vereinigung Deutsches Verkehrsforum](/media/images/verantwortung/logos/DVF-Logo.jpg)
The DVF is the only trade association covering all modes of transport for passenger and goods transport in Europe. The DVF acts as an advocate for mobility and is committed to maintaining and improving mobility conditions as a basic prerequisite for growth and employment. The DVF brings together companies and associations, manufacturers, service providers, advisors and representatives of users. Around 170 members represent the entire value chain in the mobility sector and provide a link between the transport economy and other industries such as energy, construction, telecommunications, finance and advisory services. Deutsche Lufthansa AG has been a member of the DVF since 1987.
DNWE – Deutsches Netzwerk Wirtschaftsethik
![Deutsches Netzwerk Wirtschaftsethik Logo [übersetzen] Logo des Vereins Deutsches Netzwerk Wirtschaftsethik](/media/images/verantwortung/logos/dnwe.png)
Member since 1998
The German Network for Business Ethics is a non-profit organization with currently about 450 members from business, politics, religion and science. The Network’s goal is to promote the exchange of thoughts and ideas concerning ethical issues related to business and to give business activities an ethical orientation. For this purpose, the DNWE supports and promotes all efforts aimed at implementing moral principles and demands on a practical level of business issues.
![econsense Logo [übersetzen] Logo des Netzwerkes Econsense](/media/images/verantwortung/logos/econsense.png)
Member since 2000
Econsense is a cross-industry network of leading, globally active German companies and organizations that have integrated the guiding principles of sustainable development into their corporate strategies. By maintaining an open dialogue with political, business and non-government organizations, Econsense aims at jointly shaping the future of sustainable development and social corporate responsibility.
eFuel Alliance
Member since 2024
The Lufthansa Group is a member of the eFuel Alliance. In cooperation with its partners of the eFuel alliance, the Lufthansa Group is committed to the industrial-scale production and market launch of e-kerosene at competitive prices. The interest group eFuel Alliance represents more than 170 companies, associations and consumer organizations along the value chain of eFuel production.
First Movers Coalition

On March 28, 2023, the Lufthansa Group became the first European airline group to join the First Movers Coalition (FMC). FMC is a global initiative led by the World Economic Forum and the U.S. Department of State. Since its launch at COP26 in 2021, it has been bringing together countries and companies worldwide to jointly promote the development and deployment of sustainable technologies of the future.
German Air Transport Initiative "Luftverkehr für Deutschland"
![[übersetzen] Logo der Initiative Luftverkehr für Deutschland](/media/themen/verantwortung-timeline/images/initiative-luftverkehr.jpg)
Member since 2003
Under the patronage of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development, German Air Traffic Control (DFS), Munich and Frankfurt Airports and Lufthansa joined forces to launch the German Air Transport Initiative “Luftverkehr für Deutschland”. Other Federal Ministries and Federal States are also actively involved in the Initiative, as are the German Airports Association (ADV) and the German Airlines Association (BDF).
The German Air Transport Initiative is in close dialogue with political and administrative decision-makers and deals with a wide range of questions linked to air transport. The initiative aims at strengthening Germany’s competitiveness as an air traffic base in order to safeguard and promote growth, prosperity and employment.
Initiative Pro Recyclingpapier
![Initiative Pro Recyclingpapier Logo [übersetzen] Logo der Initiative Pro Recyclingpapier](/media/images/verantwortung/logos/ipr.png)
Member since 2000
The initiative Pro Recyclingpapier unites member companies from various industries and aims at improving the acceptance of recycling paper and promoting the exchange of information between members.
ISCC Association
Member since 2024
The Lufthansa Group is a member of the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) Association. ISCC is an independent multi-stakeholder initiative and a global sustainability certification system.
SAFUG – Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group
![[übersetzen] Logo der Gruppe Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group](/media/themen/verantwortung-timeline/images/safug.jpg)
Member since 2009
The airlines, aircraft manufacturers and refinery technology companies joined in the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group (SAFUG) have set themselves the goal of accelerating the development and commercialization of sustainable fuels for the air transport industry. While these alternative fuels must offer performance at least equal to that of kerosene, they must also feature lower CO2 emissions and be produced from renewable sources of energy. The founding of SAFUG in September 2008 was supported by leading global environmental organizations, such as the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Roundtable for Sustainable Biofuels (RSB).
Transparency International
Member since 1999
Transparency International is a non-profit, non-partisan anti-corruption organization. By signing a declaration of adherence, corporate members commit themselves to applying ethical standards in business relationships. They also declare that they reject all forms of corruption, that they neither tolerate nor use corruption in their own spheres of influence, that they train and sensitize their employees with regard to corruption issues, and that they actively fight corruption through pressure groups.
UN Global Compact
![UN Global Compact Logo [übersetzen] Logo der Initiative UN Global Compact](/media/images/verantwortung/logos/Endorser-Logo_solid_blue_RGB.png)
Engagement tier: Participant
Already since 2002, the Lufthansa Group has participated in the UN Global Compact, the largest initiative worldwide for responsible and sustainable corporate governance. The participating companies commit themselves to aligning their business activities and strategies with ten principles from the areas human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption measures.